The Gottman Relationship

Builder for Individuals and Couples

Powerful interventions for lasting ​relationships


Not Added Stress!

(847) 929-9057

Happy couple looking at phone together

Build back your relationship from home at your ​convenience .

With my program, you will have access to the world ​renowned Gottman Method’s Relationship Builder ​and 20 plus years of Counseling & Coaching ​experience. The Gottman program allows you to do ​most of the work from home on your schedule.

You start with a thorough online relationship ​assessment which provides personalized results and ​specific recommendations to guide you through a ​choice of 13 modules that cover all facets of the ​Gottman Method: friendship, intimacy, how you ​manage emotions and conflict, how you share your ​values and goals, and what gives meaning to your ​lives.

You’ll have access to 90 short and informative videos ​of Drs. John and Julie Gottman role-playing the right ​and wrong way to use your newfound skills (you do ​not have to watch all 90 videos, only the ones that ​are relevant to our work together) 35 easy and fun ​exercises that you can do with your partner.

Stressed Couple Looking at their Bills in the Kitchen

Getting to Counseling Should not Add

Stress to an Already Stressed Life.

Emotional annoyed stressed couple arguing at home.

Do You Struggle with

Feeling Seen or Heard?

Does Your Partner Turn Away When you ​Try to Connect?

Sad Couple Sitting On Floor

The Gottman Couples Training ​Program can Help.

Do You and Your Partner

Struggle to Manage Conflict?

Do You Find Yourselves Running into ​Arguments You Just Can’t Seem to Get ​Out of?

You probably Already Know how ​Important Healthy Communication is ​but Communicating About Conflict ​Often Feels Like a Big Mystery.

My Name is Tim Ervin

Licensed Therapist

Board Certified Coach

Gottman Trained Couple’s Coach

EMDR Trained Therapist

(847) 929-9057

couple in love

I offer a blend of at home training and virtual Coaching Sessions.

Here is a sample of the

Gottman Relationship ​Model